The Scripture has it in Acts 17:30 that “These times of ignorance God has overlooked”. Knowledge is not a privilege for a few but it is an eternal inherent right for every person God created. We choose either to ignore or embrace the importance of knowledge. Thus we at DDM, Inc passionately embrace the importance and value of education and encourage every person to get to the higher levels of education. We cannot afford as a family, community, society, and nation at large to downplay the importance and value of education. Now we should always be aware that high rates of student success are generally the result of three groups of collaborating to provide the best opportunities for the future – Parents, Teachers, and the Community.

We should not overlook the fact that much of a child’s life and education occurs outside the classroom. What happens before the school day starts and after it ends can be just as important and impactful in the lives of the students as what happens during the traditional school day. This is why Family engagement and involvement in schools is such an important facet of the educational process. Therefore, the Family must encourage the importance and value of education to their children because their better future depends on it.

The Church must teach and encourage the importance and value of education to its members. In Timothy 2:15, Paul encourages the young Timothy to study hard so that he can prove himself as a worker who does not need to be ashamed. The success of Timothy’s ministry depended upon it. As a leader, he sets a tone for his followers.

Time and time again consistent Community involvement and engagement at all levels of the school have been shown to have significant short and long term benefits. According to a recent policy brief from the National Education Association (NEA), “when schools, parents, families, and communities work together to support learning, students tend to earn higher grades, attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and enroll in higher level programs”.

There are many different ways to be educated and many subjects that can be studied. School building is not the only place or setting in which we can learn or get an education of some sort. While there are many ways to define an education, we simply define “Education as acquiring skills to do something and being somebody that contribute to the development of self, community, and nation at large and to participate in the global market. Education has always been important and now it is even more valuable than ever. As we move into the 21st century, the economic rewards of an education remain as important and valuable to a person’s economic success as it is to their employment success.

To participate in the global economic market it is important that we teach and encourage our people on the need to get higher education. It is our strong belief here at DDM, Inc that the global market, innovation, technological oriented world, and the future development of any communities and nations is demanding higher education. This is because Higher Education provides considerable value to individuals, to the economies where educated individuals live and work, and society in general. Economies that have experienced substantial investment in either private or public institutions of higher learning have realized considerable growth and prosperity.