There are men and women who are called to ministry and they have given themselves sacrificially to the betterment of other people’s lives. Some left comfortable financial and career lives just to do the Lord’s bidding.
Yet many of them find it difficult to do well in the ministry due to lack of financial support. This, as a result, affect their families and discourage their children at large from remaining in the faith. Instead, we find that most children of these called ministers do not complete school because their parents cannot afford to support them based on the little they get.
It is the passion and goal of DDM to bring this awareness to our friends and solicit their support to adopt a Pastor(s) in targeted country and area and commit to support such a one so that not only can they carry their ministries well but also being able to take care of their children and educate them.
We trust that you will consider to donate whatever you feel you can help to raise the funds needed to support such families.

It is our belief that Spiritual development of any person is vital to their health and wealth of their life. Thus, DDM is committed to providing that Spiritual Development through providing Biblically based principles to individuals and groups of people so that they can develop themselves. This is being done through our live streaming of our Spiritual teaching and local settings. For Live Streaming please check our Media page.

Spiritual counselling is a vital part of our life development. It can help with a wide range of disorders and challenges in life. It is like having a guide who is very familiar with the terrain of life to help you navigate it. Therefore, we hire people that have travelled those roads to help those trying to go through. Thus we encourage you to seek that counselling that you may need, marital, family, financial, social, medical, etc.