The world is no longer the way it used to be. It has become a global village that has brought groups so close to each other with varying values and yet common cord of humanity. This has brought its own challenges in our society interactions and development. Therefore, the need to adjust is very critical at this juncture of global living. As the global village shrinks, the need to change the way we do things become even more apparent. Therefore, Social Development, which is the growth of abilities and dispositions that are a basis of emotional adjustment and competence in meeting the demands of social environment, is very important to a healthy and wealthy living in out society.

Accommodating people’s growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and language, takes more than democracy and equitable growth.
We need to be culturally competent if we are going to function properly in our communities. Cultural competence is a willingness to learn and listen. It is being welcoming and dropping defenses. It is asking rather than assuming. It is a permanent way of changing how community issues are communicated and approached. Cultural competence is not simply valuing diversity – it implies a more active educational effort. It is also not about knowing all there is to know about all cultures (an impossible goal) or a wholesale acceptance of what everyone believes.

At DDM, Inc., we will work to enable our service users to effectively integrate into the society by helping them to access services, rights, entitlements and opportunities and overcome barriers to learning, employment and training. Our support services gives our beneficiaries new ideas that encourage them to take their own initiatives and control of their own futures. Various activities are designed to help independent and more sustainable and contributors to their communities.
The Values we hold are Biblically Based:
- Actively involve ethnic minority people at the grassroot level in all aspects of our work
- Demonstrate openness, accountability, and professionalism
- Operate in simple and Transparent way
- Undertake research and critical analysis to inform and add value to our work
- Raise awareness of the needs and aspirations of our targeted group
- Achieve real excellence for ourselves and those with whom we work