Personal Spiritual development is one of the most important aspects of a personal wealth and healthy developments. It is the critical CORE for your life fulfillment and the foundation of all. At the center of it all is the life giving source, namely God who gives us values necessary for our total development. Here at DDM, Inc., we have provided outlet for such an experience.
We believe in both individual and corporate Worship experience as one that enhances and deepens our affection for our Lord and Savior. Jesus in John 4 said that God is looking for true worshippers who would worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Therefore, we promote and encourage our quarterly Prayer/Worship Concerts with Church leaders. We believe that a ministry leader sets a spiritual tone for those he/she is a leader over.
When God’s people pray they tap into God’s miraculous power and declare that all things are possible and bring His glory down. Worship and prayer become the heartfelt response to His presence. We believe in the importance of individual and corporate prayer life.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers and therefore, each and everyone is endowed with spiritual blessings to contribute to the well being of the body of Christ and community at large. Therefore, we endeavor to equip everyone for the work of the ministry so that they can equip others for the betterment of the community. We believe that the Church is the life giving entity and it has been given the mandate to develop people in their given potential so that they can give and improve their communities.
Pastoral Ministry is one of the most challenging and emotional intense ministry because you are dealing with human beings that have varying emotional needs that your are trying to help manage. It is one of the most demanding job one can take up. But few realize how impactful this ministry can be on the man and woman and their family in trying to minister to others. How these men and women are taken care of matters a lot to them and their families. Therefore, here at DDM, Inc we have come to embark on being a faithful supporter of these servants both Spiritually and materially. Our goal is to raise that awareness and financial support for them to lessen the burden on them and their families so that they can minister successfully and impact their own children in the process.